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Writer Quotes
If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write - Martin Luther
If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint. - Edward Hopper
To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man. - Aristotle
The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write. A man will turn over half a library to make a book. - Samuel Johnson
Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader. - Joseph Joubert
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. - Thomas Jefferson
Write your first draft with your heart. Rewrite with your head. - Mike Rich
If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word. - Margaret Atwood
I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of. - Joss Whedon
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. - Ernest Hemingway
We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. -Anais Nin
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. - Sylvia Plath,
The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. - Mark Twain
The scariest moment is always just before you start. - Stephen King
Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. - E.L. Doctorow
Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on. - Louis L'Amour
A word after a word after a word is power. - Margaret Atwood
Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money. - Virginia Woolf
I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of. - Joss Whedon
The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say. - Anais Nin
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it. - Anais Nin
Write quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly. - Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
Write what should not be forgotten. - Isabel Allende
A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. - Thomas Mann
I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. - James Michener
Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted. - Jules Renard
One should use common words to say uncommon things - Arthur Schopenhauer
How do I know what I think until I see what I say? - E.M. Forster
Talent is helpful in writing, but guts are absolutely essential. - Jessamyn West
It's none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way. - Ernest Hemingway
If you want to be a writer-stop talking about it and sit down and write! - Jackie Collins
You are what you write. - Helvy Tiana Rosa
A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it. - Samuel Johnson